Monday, December 20, 2010

A Christmas Blog

This will probably be my last post before Christmas.  We're off to Houston to spend the holidays with my family, and I will probably not be overly inclined to waste precious family time in front of my computer.

To say that I'm excited about this Christmas would be like calling World War II "a misunderstanding".  It will be Jackson's First Christmas, and I've been out of my mind with anticipation since somewhere around the 4th of July.  It's my baby's first Christmas, and I'm more excited about this Christmas than any Christmas in my life (including '89, when Santa brought me the entire cast of My Little Pony AND '95 when I got a bicycle).

Despite my fervor, I realize, of course, that Jackson is only 11 months and will have no idea what's going on.  He hasn't figured out the consequences of gravity yet, let alone who Santa Claus is.  But that hasn't stopped me from going completely berserk when it comes to gift-buying.  All logic and temperance go completely out the window when the words "Baby's First Christmas" enter my mind.  I bought my son everything but a live pony (and who knows what will happen NEXT Christmas when he actually knows what's going on...)

If you can't tell from this blog, I'm not the most naturally maternal woman on the planet, but when it comes to Christmas, my uterus completely takes over and my brain goes into hibernation until New Year's.  Jack and I have been listening to carols, baking Christmas cookies, and wrapping presents like crazed holiday elves. 

When we get to Houston, my grandparents, parents, and Jack and I are going to get Jack's picture taken with Santa.  I hope this goes better than his pictures with the Easter Bunny; not because Jackson was uncooperative, but because the Easter Bunny at the mall looked like a cross between the rabbit from Donny Darko and the clown from IT.  If you got an Easter card from us, you know what I'm talking about.  It was terrifying.  I'm praying they do a better job with the mall Santa, because I'd prefer not to immortalize Jack's first Christmas by posing him with someone who looks like Rush Limbaugh (and shares his affinity for Oxycontin).  But I digress.

Of course, Christmas is about more than presents, calorie-laden food, and creepy mall Santas.  What I really want to impress upon my son is the importance of family and friends during this time of year.  I may sound like a Hallmark Made-for-TV-Christmas-Special here, but Christmas is the one time of year where we get to reflect on the amazing people in our lives without sounding like we've been hitting the egg-nog too hard.

For me, it's having family who dropped everything to help me when I needed them, friends who stood by me through both the good and bad times, a husband who supported me no matter what, and a son who is healthy and happy and completely owns my soul.  I love every single one of you immensely, and I'm infinitely blessed to have you in my life.  (Alright, putting away the tissues....)

So whether you're decking the halls, spinning the dreidel, or doing whatever it is people do for Kwanzaa, may this season bring you joy, happiness, peace, and love.

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