Sunday, May 15, 2011

Stupid Baby Products

Every so often I get hit with an overwhelming urge to be a "good" parent. It usually manifests itself in stupid ways, like the time I vowed to stop laughing at Jackson every time he cries (that only lasted about a week). Most recently, about a month ago, I felt the compulsive need to protect Jack against the imminent perils lurking around every corner of my home. For the price of a small yacht, I gained the peace of mind that Jackson will NOT die from falling furniture.

The website I bought the stuff from just sent me a catalog, presumably under the assumption that if I was dumb paranoid enough to drop $15 on what is essentially a modified zip-tie, I might be persuaded to do so again. Looking through the catalog today, I was struck by how many really stupid things you can waste your money on.

Here are a list of the worst ones. Some of these are incredibly dumb safety items, and some of them are just incredibly dumb stuff.

Sun Smarties
It's a swim suit for parents who don't want their kids to get sunburned. I get it. Sunburns are a bummer. Fortunately, sunscreen was invented like 100 years ago, so your child can go outside without a HAZMAT suit. Because nothing says "Fun In The Sun!" like looking like you're dealing with a uranium leak.
Safety Trampoline

The idea here is that your child can "safely" enjoy a trampoline with this product. The only problem is, you have to jump in place. Like, straight up and down. Repeatedly. While holding a safety bar. If your child considers this fun, you might want to reconsider their sugar intake.

Safety Harness

It's okay to put your kid on a leash as long as it has a cuddly lion face. Oh wait. It's still a leash. 

In all seriousness, I realize that there are some kids out there with genuine problems who truly need something like this, and I'm NOT making fun of them. But for everyone else, just try actually WATCHING your kid. I know it's annoying, and there are so many interesting shiny objects you'd rather be looking at, but seriously, you're a grown-up now, and I think you can handle it.

Knee Pads

Whether your child is stealing 3rd or just, I don't know, LEARNING TO CRAWL, these are a definite "must-have". My God. I don't know how the human race made it 200,000 years without these.

Baby Nasal Aspirator

Sure, they give you a nasal aspirator for free at the hospital that DOESN'T require you to literally suck the boogers out of your kid's nose. But THOSE aspirators rely solely on the unreliable principles of physics. This way you can spend $15 AND inhale your kid's snot. It's clearly the better alternative.

Thumb Guard


How do you stop your kid from sucking their thumb? By humiliating the living hell out of them. (PS: this thing is $75. I'm not kidding. $75.)

Shampoo Visor

Nobody likes getting shampoo in their eyes. It stings really badly and kind of temporarily blinds you. But now there's a way to prevent all the agony and suffering for your child. No, not teaching them to tip their head back or just close their eyes. The Shampoo Visor! 

My issue with this product is two-fold. First, how does it prevent any and all water from dripping down? Water is a squirrelly substance, and unless you DAP that thing to her head, it seems unlikely that it's going to stop every drip. Second, how to you keep from pointing at your kid and laughing the entire time its on their head? 

And Last, But Not Least: The Baby Helmet

I really hate it when Jackson bonks his head. Not only does he scream his head off, but it always forces me to wonder what critical function he will never be able to perform as a result of the brain damage. (Oh damn, there goes his ability to remember to zip his fly...) However, I'm pretty sure NOT making your kid wear a helmet is worth a few whacks on the head.

For starters, every baby falls on their head. Einstein fell on his head, and he still managed to comprehend quantum physics. Luckily for our species, God had the foresight to give us skulls. Unless your child is regularly encountering the blunt force trauma of an object moving at 60 mph, this is totally unnecessary.

Second: WHY? WHY? WHY? would you do this to your child?

(PS: I just realized that if you look closely, the kid in the picture is also wearing the knee pads I mentioned above....)

I'm so far from being "The Perfect Parent" that it borders on the absurd, but I think these products are proof that sometimes it's better to just let your kid be normal.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage...

Ahhh, rainy days... even though we desperately need the rain, the fact that Jackson can't go outside has caused him to go stir-crazy.  He's now taken to following me around the house crying at me. (If that sentence sounds unidiomatic to you, then you must not have kids, because everyone else knows kids will totally cry AT you...and it's the most annoying form of crying there is...) Anyway, moving on...

It occurred to me that although I blog ad nauseum about myself and my son, I have said relatively little about the other most important man in my life- my husband. Seeing as how he's a pretty key player in all of this, I'm dedicating this blog to my relationship with my husband, David.

David is genuinely the nicest man I've ever met. This was a huge impetus in my decision to marry him over, let's say, Gerard Butler. He has lots of other amiable qualities, like his ability to tolerate my incessant relating of actual events to episodes of South Park, but it was probably his general kindness that won me over.

David and I dated for three years before we got married, and then we were married for 6 months before I got pregnant, so it's safe to say that we had a pretty established way of relating to one another before Jack entered the scene. Having a baby changes your relationship in ways you can't possibly imagine. In many ways it's better than it ever was before, but with that comes a huge number of new challenges.

First, a baby really cements your marriage. The following assertion is really UN-kosher, but bear with me: before you have a kid, your marriage can be called a trial-run. Think about it: if you get married and it doesn't work out, you can always just get divorced and move on. Sure, it will be awkward for a year or so when you have to tell everyone they wasted their money on that expensive wedding gift they got you, and then there's the unpleasant decision of who keeps the dogs, but really, no one will be worse for the wear when it's all over. That exit-strategy gets pretty much shot to hell when you get pregnant. Now you're REALLY stuck with this person for the rest of your life. Go ahead and judge me for saying this, but I think that in a society where more than half of all marriages end in divorce, it bears mentioning.

Fortunately, I genuinely like David and plan to stay with him for the rest of my life ANYWAY, but there's always the small chance he could develop an affinity for online poker or I could gain 30 pounds and start watching The Bachelor, both of which are pretty solid grounds for divorce as far as I'm concerned.

But assuming David doesn't take up golf and I don't start scrapbooking, I think we'll be fine. And although having a kid has made things tough on our marriage (before we had Jack I never yelled at David for leaving his shoes in the middle of the floor where Jack can get to them and chew on them) it has strengthened our relationship in a lot of ways. Namely, it's cool to see that David stepped up to the plate when it came to parenting.

(Editor's Note: As a general rule, I try to avoid using this blog to tell people what I think they should do. For one thing, I think pontificating makes you a jerk, but also, I have about as much business telling people how to parent as Bristol Palin has telling people about Abstinence. Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and bend that rule for a minute.)

I really believe men should do 50% of the work in parenting. That means changing diapers and (yes, I'm going there) waking up with them in the middle of the night. Even if you're breast-feeding, your husband should get his butt out of bed, change the baby, and bring him/her to you to feed before passing out. All bonding benefits aside, it means you're a team in this freakish psychology experiment called "Parenting". Ok, I'm done ranting.

David has thus far been pretty cool about sharing the unpleasant aspects of parenting with me. I don't know whether he's involved because of a sincere desire to present a united front or a legitimate fear that I will kill him in his sleep if he tries NOT helping, but either way, he's done it all without ever being asked.

In addition to the appreciation I have for David for manning-up and doing half of the heavy-lifting, it's also pretty amazing to see the man you already love become a Daddy.  Sure, I get a little jealous of my childless friends because they get to go out to dinner with their significant other without spending the entire time worrying (and dropping $10/hr for a sitter), but then again, they don't get to watch their son fly to the door and shriek, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" when he hears the car pull up the driveway.

Now, if only I could teach David not to fling the door open (because Jackson is ALWAYS behind it and he ALWAYS smacks him in the head as a result) we'd be perfect.